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Bio FUE Hair Transplant in India

Jun 29, 2023Blog

Bio FUE hair transplant in India can be a great option if you suffer from severe hair loss and are looking for better ways to increase your hair growth and desire thicker and denser hair.

Redefine Hair Transplant Clinic offers reliable and result-oriented Bio-FUE hair transplant in India by Dr. Harikiran Chekuri. He is a highly skilled and accomplished hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad, India.

Moreover, Dr. Harikiran Chekuri is renowned for his expertise in cutting-edge hair transplantation treatments, offering denser and more natural results.

In conventional hair transplant procedures, the surgeon implants untreated hair grafts to increase hair density on the patchy or bald areas of the scalp.

Whereas in Bio FUE, before transplanting the grafts, they are placed in a growth serum to fortify hair follicles and guarantee healthier and shinier hair regrowth.

Bio FUE technology uses human cells’ ability for growth and renewal, particularly during the embryonic period. The type of cell germination helps promote hair growth and strengthens hair follicles. The technology also offers permanent hair growth solutions. The donor area responds quite well to the Bio FUE hair transplant.Fue Hair transplant

In Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT), scarring is usually caused by the removal of grafts from the donor sites. However, since single hair grafts are retrieved in Bio FUE, scarring is minimized.

Process of Bio FUE Hair Transplant

Bio FUE is the latest and most popular hair transplant method. It produces exceptional results and satisfies the client’s need for healthy hair growth. It is also known to have long-lasting benefits. The surgeon may administer local anesthesia during the treatment for the patient’s comfort.

Let’s know,

fue Procedure

Steps Involved in Bio FUE Hair Transplantation

Step 1: The surgeon draws blood from the patient and adds it to the PRP kit. After centrifugation, regenerative cells are extracted from the kit.

Step 2: After extracting the hair follicles from the donor area, the surgeon dips them into the acquired regeneration solution to increase their resistance and survival rates.

Step 3: The surgeon implants these hair follicles into the affected scalp at the proper angle and direction to achieve natural results.

Step 4: The surgeon injects the harvested regenerative cells into the affected area to promote healing and enhance hair growth.

Techniques used for Bio FUE

  • The hair grafts removed for Bio-FUE hair transplant are kept in a biostimulation growth factor-containing solution (PRP).
  • These growth factors aid in the speedier healing and hair-growing of the recipient location.
  • Additionally, these growth hormones improve the density of undeveloped hair.
  • Regenerative cells are implanted into the FUE donor area for rapid healing and development of the remaining hair.
  • There will be some scarring in the donor area, but a quick recovery guarantees that the scars fade and the weakened hair follicles grow back strong.

Bio FUE vs. FUT

  • With Bio FUE, your hair grows out better-textured and denser.FUT VS FUE
  • The focus of a Bio FUE hair transplant is on transferring individual follicles.
  • On the scalp, it either leaves barely noticeable scars or none. This promotes swift healing and quick outcomes.
  • Bio FUE is far more affordable than FUT since it produces results that persist for a very long period and requires no maintenance.
  • The Bio FUE hair transplant treatment stimulates the already thinning follicles; it revives them with the growth booster dose.
  • It also promotes the growth of the hair in the surrounding area and helps the implant look more natural.

Now, let’s look at the,

Advantages of Bio FUE Hair Transplant

  • The significant benefit of the Bio FUE procedure is that it promotes the growth of the implanted hairs and the surrounding hairs experiencing hair thinning.
  • It is one of the safest and most secure methods of hair transplantation.
  • Bio FUE provides healthy hair density.
  • It stimulates the stem cells of the implanted hair.
  • It also enhances the texture of hair and strengthens hair follicles.
  • Bio FUE offers a high scalp covering and hair growth rate.
  • It restores chemically damaged hair.
  • The results are long-lasting.
  • The recovery period is significantly less.

Risks and Side Effects of Bio-FUE

fur hair

  • A patient may occasionally experience side effects such as infection, bleeding, skin color changes, numbness, loss of sensation, etc.
  • One might also experience pain from pinprick bleeding on the scalp and redness at the injection sites.
  • Sometimes the patient may require multiple sittings or sessions to achieve the desired results.


Bio FUE results in denser and fine textured hair than the FUT technique. It is also in high demand because it is more cost-effective than FUT. Additionally, Bio FUE reduces scarring and speeds up the donor area’s recovery. With few to no complications, healing happens quickly and effectively. Consult Dr. Harikiran for FUE hair transplant in India and experience the artistry of hair restoration with exceptional results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a Bio-FUE hair transplant last?

Bio FUE hair transplant results may be permanent. The donor hair follicles retain their characteristics after hair transplants, whether FUE or FUT, allowing for healthy development.

Is DHI or FUE better?

Compared to the FUE method, the DHI method can be performed with less bleeding and a quicker recovery. The DHI approach offers a better chance of generating more density, while the FUE method is best for covering extensive areas.

What is Bio-integrated FUE?

Bio-integrated FUE is the more modern and improved FUE hair transplant. It promotes better and more natural hair growth. This cutting-edge technique enhances FUE results by incorporating certain cell-based hair growth hormones.

This method aids in creating a natural appearance and follows the natural pattern of hair development. There is no downtime needed after using this hair transplant technique.

What is a Bio graft?

Biografts are hair follicles that have been removed using a special technique and have growth factors injected into the scalp to make the hair thicker, longer, and healthier.

What is the Bio FUE technique?

Bio FUE is a more advanced and improved variant of FUE hair transplant. It promotes better and more natural hair growth. By incorporating certain cell-based hair growth factors in the surgical procedure, this most recent technology seeks to enhance FUE results.

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