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A Case of Male Pattern Baldness Treated using Hair Transplant


Male pattern baldness affects men in their teens and early twenties. A receding hairline and progressive hair loss from the scalp’s front and crown are symptoms of baldness.

The hairline recedes over time, forming a distinct “M” shape. While baldness cannot be cured, it can be improved with treatments such as hair transplant surgery. When you go for a hair transplant in Hyderabad, the surgeon will examine your scalp and run tests to see if you are a good fit for this treatment.

Patient Review

  • Name: Mr. Yogesh
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male


  • Hair loss

Tests Performed

  • Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
  • Human immunodeficiency viruses(HIV)
  • Complete blood picture (CBP)
  • Random blood sugar(RBS)
  • Bleeding time test
  • Clotting time test


  • Grade 7 male pattern baldness


  • Hair transplant

Detailed Description

Mr. Yogesh visited our clinic with hair loss problems. He was concerned about his hair loss problems which had reduced his self-confidence. Dr.Harikiran, our experienced hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad, consulted and performed some tests on the patient. The doctor concluded that Mr. Yogesh was suffering from male pattern baldness and suggested he go for a hair transplant

We ensured that Mr. Yogesh receives the best hair transplant treatment at an affordable rate.Dr.Harikiraninformed Mr. Yogesh about the benefits of FUE hair transplant. After understanding the technique and its charges, Mr. Yogesh decided to go for the surgery.
Mr. Yogesh had excessive hair loss in his frontal and crown vertex regions. We restored his hairline completely with a full density of hair.

Post Treatment Guidelines

Dr.Harikiran advised Mr. Yogesh to rest for a few days after the surgery. The doctor also recommended several drugs to help with infection prevention and recovery.
Dr.Harikiran gave him post-surgery orders, including not damaging the transplanted hair follicles. The doctor also advised Mr. Yogesh to keep the transplanted area clean and safe.
Mr. Yogesh was told that he needed to come back to the clinic for follow-up appointments. We also made it a point to call to check on his progress.

Patient Feedback

This is what Mr. Yogesh had to say after his treatment:

“When I came to the clinic, I was very nervous because I was not very sure about hair transplant. But Dr.Harikiran took his time and explained to me everything about the surgery in detail. And now I am very happy with my hair transplant.Thank you so much, Redefine.”

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