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An Increase in Decreased Hair

Aug 3, 2021Blog

GyneaAre you young yet look old due to premature baldness?comastia surgery candidates include:

Premature baldness makes a young person appear old. It also affects the confidence and self-esteem of a person. It makes it difficult for the person to face people due to their daunting remarks regarding their baldness. Premature baldness is on a rise in Hyderabad due to increased stress caused by Covid 19.

Premature baldness not only leads to loss of hair, but it also leads to loss of youthful look, loss of self-esteem, and loss of confidence.

But with proper treatment and by doing a hair transplant treatment from a hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad, you can not only regain your hair but also regain your youthful looks, self-esteem, and confidence.

This article discusses the treatment options available to treat premature baldness.

But before knowing about the treatment options, first, let us understand the reason behind the increase in premature baldness and its symptoms.

What are the reasons behind an increase in premature baldness?

Premature baldness is on a rise in Hyderabad. Signs of baldness start appearing in men after the age of 20 nowadays. Not only men but women living in Hyderabad are also experiencing premature baldness. The following factors could be responsible for causing premature baldness in both men and women of Hyderabad.

  • Poor Diet: Consuming unhealthy and junk food can cause hair loss.
  • Increasing pollution: The increase in air pollution etc. due to industrialization and vehicle emissions can be one of the causes for increased baldness in Hyderabad.
  • Improper sleep: Improper sleeping habits can also lead to hair loss.
  • Increased stress: Stress is one of the major causes of hair loss. Stress makes one age faster by causing hair loss.
  • Medical conditions: People with medical conditions like diabetes and cancer are more prone to experiencing premature baldness
  • Deficiency of iron and Vitamin D: Lack of iron and calcium in the body can lead to hair loss.
  • Family History: If your family members suffer from hair loss, likely, you will also suffer from hair loss.

The above factors could be responsible for increased hair loss in men and women of Hyderabad. They can lead to different types of hair loss and baldness like pattern baldness (hair loss on the sides and top of the scalp) or non-pattern baldness (hair loss is possible on any part of the scalp).

What are the common symptoms of premature baldness?

  • Hair becomes thin
  • Bald patches are visible on the scalp
  • Experiencing huge amount of hair loss at once
  • Scaly patches are seen all over the scalp


Through this article, we understood the reasons for the increase in premature baldness in Hyderabad. We also learned about the symptoms and treatment options available to treat premature baldness. Premature baldness is a very fatal condition that makes you appear older than your age. It may also hamper your confidence and self-esteem. But with proper treatment and by getting a hair transplant treatment done from the best hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad, you can get rid of premature baldness. Also, you can get rid of embarrassment faced due to baldness and face the world confidently and with pride

How to treat premature baldness?

The increased cases of premature baldness in Hyderabad can be controlled by implementing the following treatment options:

  • Medications: By taking medicines prescribed by your hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad, you can treat premature baldness
  • Balanced Diet: By including more green leafy vegetables in your diet and by including essential vitamins and nutrients in your diet, you can treat hair loss.
  • Destress to avoid distress: By managing stress through yoga and meditation, you can avoid hair loss and distress caused due to hair loss.
  • Regular Exercise: Exercising regularly can also treat hair loss.
  • Avoid twisting and pulling of hair: Refrain from pulling and twisting your hair to avoid hair loss.
  • Hair transplant: Hair transplant treatment from the best hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad can also treat hair loss and premature baldness.

Hair transplant is an effective treatment option to treat premature baldness. It is advisable to seek help from a doctor who provides the best hair transplant in Hyderabad.

The above treatment options are effective in treating premature baldness. They not only help you get your hair back but also help you get your confidence and self-esteem back. They help you get back your youthful look. They turn your older look into a younger look, they turn your embarrassment into pride and turn your distress caused due to hair loss into joy by treating your hair loss.

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